Good Morning Everyone...........
Yesterday was an interesting day. I had a Dr's. appointment to check on how well my medicine was working. After several minutes of discussion and checking of records, my Dr. said that she thought things were OK and that we would continue on with the same doses, etc. I didn't
agree and told her why. After some consideration on her part, she agreed with me and she changed my
Metformin to a higher dose and asked me to come back in six weeks for a reevaluation. I have never
challenged a
Dr's. opinion before - just followed their directions . I felt
really good - like I had taken some control back over my life - and was a part of the decision making. After all, it is my health and life and I should be a part of making any decisions that will affect me later on.
On the crafting front, not much has changed except that I am going to spend the weekend cleaning and straighting out the mess in my craft room so that I might finally get in there and sew. I did visit a new Quilt Shop that opened last October and picked up a really cute pattern for some Valentine heart
ornies from a company called "under the garden moon". The pattern is made from red, cream, pink and purple wools (several different shades of each) and then you embellish them with lace, thread, beads, buttons and ribbon trims. Since I have quite a bit of that sort of thing on hand, I thought this would be a fun project to work on.
I'm also going to start an
afghan for my daughter, as she just bought her first house and needs everything. She's been raiding mine for the past couple of months and I never know what she's going to ask for next. I guess this is a good way to downsize and
lol. The
afghan is going to be in earth tones and a lace pattern that I found to crochet on the Lion Brand website and made from their Homespun yarn.
Guess I'll go and enjoy a cup of yarn and check out a couple of my favorite forums - The Sisters at Heart and Primitive and Rustic Decorating - both on the Delphi boards. Both of these forums are great for
talking crafting and meeting some really great
crafters from all over. I really enjoy
talking with them and sharing ideas.
Have a great day and thanks for reading. I'm going to try and update this at least twice a week - on Wednesdays and then on the weekend - so see you then........
Hugs, Donna D.